Chicken Broth

Chicken Broth

Generally speaking, you can make chicken broth out of any kind of chicken or any chicken parts. However, the medium-sized farm chickens produce the tastiest broth: their meat may be tougher compared to the broiler chickens but the broth will be superior.

Oxana Putan
For 3 quarts of the broth:
1 lb chicken
1 carrot, unpeeled
1 onion, unpeeled
1.5 teaspoons salt
Image 1

Generally speaking, you can make chicken broth out of any kind of chicken or any chicken parts. However, the medium-sized farm chickens produce the tastiest broth: their meat may be tougher compared to the broiler chickens but the broth will be superior.

When choosing a chicken for the broth, select one under 2 pounds; also choose a rather lean bird with yellowish skin.

Image 3

Place half of a chicken (or a part of it weighing about one pound) into a pot.

Image 5

Pour in 3.5 quarts of the water and place on the stove.

Bring to a boil and turn the fire down to below medium.

Carefully remove and discard the foam off the surface.

Image 7

Add the salt.

Image 9

Continue cooking for 40-45 minutes after boiling.

Image 11

Rinse the carrot and onion but do not peel.

Image 13

Cut the onion in half; cut the carrot lengthwise into 4 parts.

Image 15

Place a thick-bottomed skillet over medium heat. Do not add any oil.

Put the carrot and onion onto the dry skillet.

Image 17

Roast the vegetables in the skillet till soft on all sides.

Image 19

The vegetables will get charred which is perfectly normal.

Image 21

Continue roasting the vegetables while the broth is cooking – the same 40-45 minutes.

After that, add the roasted vegetables to the pot with the broth. 

Image 23

Bring to a boil and take off the stove.

Cover the pot and set aside for at least 30-40 minutes. The chicken will release its aroma into the broth during this time. The roasted vegetables will add the color, flavor and clarity to the broth.

Image 25

Remove the chicken from the broth. Carefully strain the broth through a fine sieve.

Image 27

Discard the vegetables.

The broth can be served on its own with an egg, croutons and boiled chicken meat as desired.

Image 29

Alternatively, the broth can be used as a base for any soup of your choice. 

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