Raspberry Kissel

Raspberry Kissel

Kissel is a traditional Russian thick dessert drink. It can be made with any berries, berry syrups or even fruit preserves or jams.

Oxana Putan
1 lb fresh or frozen raspberries
1.5 cups sugar
14 cups water
7 tablespoons starch (corn or potato)
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We will be using frozen raspberries which are readily available at most supermarkets.

Pour the berries into a pot. Add the sugar.

Image 3

Cover with the 14 cups of water and place the pot on the stove.

Image 5

Pour the starch into a separate bowl.

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Add half a cup of cold water and stir well.

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After the water in the pot boils continue cooking for 2 minutes; then take off the stove.

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Carefully pour the starch mixture in a thin stream while stirring the pot’s contents.

Your kissel is ready!

Don’t heat it again as the starch loses its gelling qualities when boiled.

Let the kissel cool, pour into the cups and serve.

Image 15
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