Dried Fruit Kompot (Russian Fruit Drink)

Dried Fruit Kompot (Russian Fruit Drink)

Dried fruit mix is usually a mixture of cut-up apples, pears, apricots, grapes and other fruit or berries dried naturally. This mixture can keep for a long time. It is mainly used for making a kompot but can also be added to other dishes.

Oxana Putan
1 cup dried fruit
1 cup sugar
10 cups water
Image 1

Rinse the fruit mixture well and put in a colander.

Image 3

When all the water drains, transfer to a pot.

Add the sugar. Note that you won’t need a lot of sugar for this drink as the fruits will release their natural sweetness.

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Add the water and place on the stove. 

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Bring to a boil and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

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Then take the pot off the stove and cover.

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It is important not to overcook the dried fruit.

To get intense color and flavor you will need to let it cool off completely and then steep for a few hours while overcooking it will result in cloudy liquid and fruit mush.

Letting the kompot stay covered overnight is best, or at least for 4 hours at room temperature. The dried fruit and berries need that much time to release their full flavor.

You can strain the kompot if you wish, or serve with the fruit and berries in each individual glass.

Image 14

This kompot will keep in the fridge for a few days.

Image 16
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